Sustainability Tools & Processes

Sustainable Futures Australia has created a range of social technologies which help organisations and communities accelerate their journey towards sustainability.

We facilitate, and also offer training in the facilitation and use of, these tools. They have all been developed and refined on a range of projects with satisfied clients. They involve engaging processes and deliver practical outcomes, and can be adapted to a range of community, government, educational and business contexts.


Participatory Planning Tools

To successfully co-create a sustainable and regenerative future, we need to "get organised!". We all need to cooperate, collaborate, effectively joining forces to align and move in the same direction. At the same time, dynamism and diversity encourage synergy and creativity for developing "outside the box" solutions and inherent motivation. 


Organisational Change

Changing the culture within an organisation so that it effectively and reliably delivers sustainability outcomes involves team-building, inquiring conversations, capacity building, new decision-making frameworks and operational action planning.

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Environmental Planning Tools

Practical and synergistic tools are necessary to identify, protect and regenerate the things we value including biodiversity, environmental services, social equity and economic vibrancy to establish and maintain sustainable community life.